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Alejandro Alonso-Galva

Alejandro A. Alonso Galva specializes in speechwriting, general communications, and elections. His work in GOTV and field ops includes gubernatorial and presidential elections with an emphasis on marginalized communities and rural counties. States of field expertise include North Carolina, Iowa, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Colorado, and Nebraska. His extensive experience in print and broadcast journalism set him apart on a campaign team as a five-tool player: field, press, speechwriting, electoral analysis, and production in both new and traditional media. As a natural writer, Alejandro seeks to win hearts and minds through the power of narrative and conversation.


“My passions are storytelling, politics, and community building. The stories we tell are threads that stitch together the fabric of our communities,” he says, “Those voices make history.”


Alejandro holds an MFA in Creative Nonfiction from the University of Wyoming. He currently teaches rhetoric and speechwriting.

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